April 30, 2018 — Workshop acceptance notification.
May 9, 2018 (extended to May 13 for abstracts, May 20 for final versions) — Full paper & short paper submission deadline.
June 19, 2018 — Notification of acceptance.
July 24, 2018 — Camera-ready version.
September 10, 2018 — Late registration.
September 25, 2018 — Workshop day.
September 26-28, 2018 — Main conference dates.
All the deadlines are at 23:59:59 Hawaii Time.
April 9, 2018 Workshop proposal submission deadline
April 30, 2018 Workshop acceptance notification
May 9, 2018 (ext. to May 13 for abstracts, May 20 for final versions) Full paper & short paper submission deadline
June 19, 2018 Notification of acceptance
July 24, 2018 Camera-ready version
Early-bird and cut-off registration -
Sept. 10, 2018 Late registration
Sept. 25, 2018 Workshop day
Sept. 26–28, 2018 Main conference dates
We are delighted to welcome the 10th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2018) to St.Petersburg, Russia, On September 25–28, 2018.
SocInfo is an interdisciplinary venue for researchers from Computer Science, Informatics, Social Sciences and Management Sciences to share ideas and opinions, and present original research work on studying the interplay between socially-centric platforms and social phenomena. The ultimate goal of Social Informatics is to create better understanding of socially-centric platforms not just as a technology, but also as a set of social phenomena. To that end, we are inviting interdisciplinary papers, on applying information technology in the study of social phenomena, on applying social concepts in the design of information systems, on applying methods from the social sciences in the study of social computing and information systems, on applying computational algorithms to facilitate the study of social systems and human social dynamics, and on designing information and communication technologies that consider social context.
Social Informatics Steering Committee
Karl Aberer, EPFL, Switzerland
Katsumi Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan
Anwitaman Datta, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Ee-Peng Lim, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University, US
Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona, US
Sue B. Moon, KAIST, Korea
Andreas Ernst, University of Kassel, Germany
Andreas Flache, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Dirk Helbing, ETH, Switzerland
Calls for participation
Call for papers
The International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo18) is an interdisciplinary venue that brings together researchers from the computational and social sciences interested in joint research of socio-technical phenomena. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum to help scholars from the two disciplines define common research objectives and explore methodologies. The organizers welcome a broad range of contributions, from those that apply methods from the social sciences to the study of socio-technical systems, to the application of computational methods to the study of complex social processes and the use of social concepts in the design of information systems.
SocInfo18 offers an opportunity for the dissemination of knowledge between the two communities by soliciting presentations of original research papers and experience-based case studies in computer science, sociology, psychology, political science, public health, media & communication studies, economics, linguistics, artificial intelligence, social network analysis, and other disciplines that can shed light on the open questions in the growing field of computational social science.
SocInfo18 will also offer workshops and keynote talks that will be tailored to enhance the collaboration between the two research cultures in an era when social interactions are ubiquitous and span offline, online and augmented reality worlds.
Research topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- New theories, methods and objectives in computational social science
- Computational models of social phenomena, including behavior modeling
- Dynamics of social collaborative systems and collective intelligence
- Social network analysis and mining
- Mining big social data
- Web mining and its social interpretations
- Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
- Forecasting of social phenomena with digital traces
- Social influence and social contagion
- Security, privacy, trust, reputation, and incentive issues
- Opinion mining and social media analytics
- News production & consumption in the Internet era
- Credibility of online content
- Tracing and preventing of harmful content and risk events
- Health informatics
- Social media and health behaviors
- Equity in social and information systems
- Social applications of the semantic Web
- Social psychology and personality in the era of new ICTs & Internet
- Virtual reality for psychological research
- Virtual communities
- Game studies
- Human-computer interaction
- Urban informatics
- Social implications of geoinformation systems
- Socio-economic systems and applications
We solicit submission of two types of contribution:
- Full papers: up to 14 pages (excluding references and any appendix), to be presented orally;
- Short papers: up to 8 pages (excluding references and any appendix), presented as posters;
Submissions will be reviewed through a double-blind review process. To ensure a thorough and fair review process, this year’s conference will apply strict review guidelines to provide even higher-quality feedback to authors. To further incentivize useful and detailed feedback to authors, contributions of best reviewers will be rewarded with special mentions.
As in previous years, accepted papers will appear in Springer’s Lecture Note Series in Computer Science. We will also allow accepted papers to be presented without publication in the conference proceedings, if the authors choose to do so. Some of the full paper submissions may be accepted as short papers after review by the Programme Committee. A small set of particularly high quality and important papers will be selected for journal publication.
Original manuscripts should be submitted in English in pdf format through EasyChair.
- The submission deadline is May 9 (extended to May 13 for abstracts, May 20 for final versions, 24:00 Hawaii time).
- Notification of acceptance: June 19, 2018.
- Camera ready: July 24, 2018 (at least one paper author should register by that time for the paper to be published).
All the deadlines are at 23:59:59 Hawaii Time.
Because SocInfo will publish proceedings, manuscripts should be formatted according to Springer LNCS paper formatting guidelines.
Best Paper Award from Springer!
Springer sponsor SocInfo 2018 by providing an amount of €1,000 to be put behind a SocInfo 2018 Best Paper Award.Call for workshops
The SocInfo’18 Committee invites proposals for the Workshops Day of the conference. All workshops will be held on Tuesday, September 25, 2018, at 123 Kanal Griboyedova Emb, St. Petersburg (which is not the venue of the main conference).
The preferred formats are group discussions and practical tutorials. A tutorial should provide either an in-depth look at an emerging technique or software package or a broad summary of an important direction in the field of social informatics, preferably with a practical training. A group discussion should provide an opportunity to informally discuss issues with a selected focus, especially conceptual, methodological or practical difficulties of social informatics, as opposed to presenting final results. Workshops should not be structured as mini-conferences dominated by long talks and short discussions. Instead, the organizers are encouraged to promote different types of activities including games and brainstorming sessions. All workshops should be interactive and involve between 15 and 40 members. Finally, the workshops should have the potential to attract the interest of researchers in computer science and social sciences, and possibly of developers and practitioners.
Proposal reviewThe workshop chairs will review each submission and select those with the highest scores on originality, interdisciplinarity, coherence with the conference aims, and ability to attract audience.
- Workshop proposal submission deadline: April 9, 2018
- Workshop acceptance notification: April 30, 2018
All the deadlines are at 23:59:59 Hawaii Time.
Submission E-mail: socinfo2018@gmail.com
- A concise title.
- The names, affiliations and contact information of the organizers. A typical workshop should count no more than three co-chairs, preferably affiliated with different organizations.
- Proposed duration of the workshop – half or full day (3-4 hours or 6-7 hours).
- A statement of the workshop: objective/goals.
- A statement detailing: Why is the workshop topic important? Why is the workshop timely? How is it relevant to social informatics?
- A two-paragraph description of the workshop topic and themes.
- If the workshop was conducted before, where and when was it conducted? Please give details on number of attendees and acceptance ratio (if applicable).
- A description of the workshop format and list of proposed activities.
- An indication of the maximum number of participants and a description of how workshop submissions will be selected: by the time of registration, by some predefined criteria or else.
- A short bio of the workshop organizers, including a description of their qualifications relative to the topic area, and past experience in organizing/facilitating workshops or research meetings.
- Luca Maria Ayello, Bell Labs, UK
- Sergei Koltcov, HSE, Russia
SocInfo’18 offers two main opportunities for publication: a volume of conference proceedings in Springer’s Lecture Note Series in Computer Science (as in previous years), and the Journal of Web Science special issue on social informatics (NEW!). Authors are also free to choose a non-publication track, although this will not influence the review criteria.
Springer’s Lecture Note Series in Computer Science
Volume editors:
- Dmitry Ignatov, Higher School of Economics
- Steffen Staab, university of Koblenz-Landau
- Olessia Koltsova, Higher School of Economics
Camera ready version submission deadline: July 24, 2018.
Those aiming at LNCS should follow Springer’s author formatting guidelines.
UPD September 21, 2018: conference proceedings are now available online:
Springer also offer the participants of the SocInfo 2018 temporary free online access to all SocInfo volumes previously:
- 9th International Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK, September 13-15, 2017, Proceedings, Part I
- 9th International Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK, September 13-15, 2017, Proceedings, Part II
- 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA, USA, November 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part I
- 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA, USA, November 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part II
- 7th International Conference, SocInfo 2015, Beijing, China, December 9-12, 2015, Proceedings
- 6th International Conference, SocInfo 2014, Barcelona, Spain, November 11-13, 2014. Proceedings
- SocInfo 2014 International Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, November 11, 2014, Revised Selected Papers
- 5th International Conference, SocInfo 2013, Kyoto, Japan, November 25-27, 2013, Proceedings
- SocInfo 2013 International Workshops, QMC and HISTOINFORMATICS, Kyoto, Japan, November 25, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
- Second International Conference, SocInfo 2010, Laxenburg, Austria, October 27-29, 2010. Proceedings
- 4th International Conference, SocInfo 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 5-7, 2012. Proceedings
- Third International Conference, SocInfo 2011, Singapore, October 6-8, 2011. Proceedings
Journal of Web Science
JoWS is a young, peer reviewed, open access scholarly journal with an outstanding editorial board.
Special issue on Social Informatics guest editors:
- Steffen Staab, university of Koblenz-Landau
- Olessia Koltsova, Higher School of Economics
Special issue will accept the papers that will have been either published in LNCS proceedings or presented orally as full papers at SocInfo’18. Authors of papers published in LNCS will have to add at least 30% of new material (data and/or analysis). All papers are expected to have been revised according to the conference reviewers’ comments, but all will go through the double-blind review process again.
- Submission deadline: December 17, 2018
- Anticipated date of acceptance after reviews: March 18, 2019
- Anticipated publication date: April 2019
As JoWS is an online journal, papers may be published in two sets: those that do not need major revision – in April 2019, and those that do – later in 2019.
Page limit: 14 double column pages, 10-point type, single-spaced, or 30 single column pages, 12-point type, double-spaced. Follow author guidelines.
Contact: socinfo2018@gmail.com.
Keynote Speakers
Ingmar Weber
Ingmar Weber is research director of the Social Computing Group at Qatar Computing Research Institute. His interdisciplinary research looks at what online user-generated data can tell us about the offline world and society at large. He works with sociologists, political scientists, demographers and medical professionals and several of his projects have been covered by international media. Prior to joining QCRI, Ingmar Weber was a researcher at Yahoo! Research Barcelona. He holds a BA & Ma from Cambridge and did his PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for Computer Science. He is one of ACM’s Distinguished Speakers and his keynote is financially supported by ACM.
Jonathan J. H. Zhu
Jonathan Zhou is Chair Professor of Computational Social Science and Director of Center for Communication Research and Web Mining Lab at City university of Hong Kong. His current research projects focus on how to use computational methods to mine and model time-bound user behavior on social and mobile media. He teaches new media theory (diffusion, use, and impact), quantitative methods (survey, experiment, content analysis, text mining, and network analysis), and new technologies (web, databases, and big data analytics).
Harith Alani
Harith Alani is a professor at the Knowledge Media institute, The Open University, where he leads a group specialising in social data analysis and web science research. His work is focused on analysing social media content and networks to detect, monitor, and predict online information and behaviour. Prof Alani is the co-ordinator of COMRADES (2016-2019); a €2M European H2020 project to research and develop a collaborative platform for supporting communities during crises, which incorporates automated methods for processing and linking of crowdsourced information and for safeguarding communities during critical scenarios from uninformative, distrusted, and fragmented information posted about the crises on social media. Prof Alani published over 140 scientific papers in various leading journals and conferences, and recently was research track co-chair at The Web Conference (WWW 2017) and at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2017).
Bettina Berendt
Bettina Berendt is a professor in the research group “Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence” (DTAI) at the Department of Computer Science of KU Leuven. Her research focuses on Web Mining and its uses and implications. Methodologically, she combines aspects of Web content, Web usage and Web structure mining with methods from the social and behavioural sciences relevant to the respective research questions and applications. The Web materials and platforms include Social Media such as microblogging or social networking sites, as well as (mainstream or other) news sites and the relation between these various channels of information. Research questions include privacy, the public and the private and the role of media in them, information literacy, and how data mining can be developed and deployed in a user-centric fashion for user empowerment in these areas.
Alexander Boukhanovsky
Alexander Boukhanovsky is the Director of School of Translational Information Technologies and the Head of Department of High Performance Computing at ITMO university, St.Petersburg. He is also the Chief Research Associate at the ITMO EScience Institute – a center for computationally intensive interdisciplinary research in a large number of areas, from social to natural science. His research interests range from high-performance and parallel computing to decision support & early warning systems, computational social science & human physiology modeling.
Olga Megorskaya
In Yandex, she is responsible for training data collection in all machine learning projects, as well as for mass infrastructure services development: technical support, SMM, call centers, translations, manual crowd testing and others.
She will talk about how Yandex employs crowdsourcing, about the basic principles of building production pipelines, and also about the research and mathematical tasks lying at the heart of work with crowds.
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{{formatEventDate(event.start.dateTime, event.end.dateTime)}}
Multiplex networks are one of the most popular network analysis models that have been a common meeting point for computer scientists, physicists and sociologists thanks to their ability to provide richer, more qualitative information than simple graphs but still allow quantitative processing. The workshop will provide a practical introduction to multiplex network analysis using R. It will consist of very brief theoretical presentations of major concepts followed by practical tasks.
The main topics covered will be:
- visualization;
- actor measures (degree, neighborhood, ...);
- actor/layer measures (layer relevance, ...);
- layer comparison methods;
- community detection (generalized Louvain, LART, clique percolation, ...);
- generative models.
Matteo Magnani
Associate professor
InfoLab Department of Information Technology
Uppsala University
Luca Rossi
Associate professor
Digital Design Department
Data Science & Society Lab (Coordinator)
IT University of Copenhagen
Topic modeling is one of the few algorithms capable to work with large textual data bringing together scholars from fields of social and computer sciences. However, practical applications of the algorithm are hindered by rarely discussed inherent limitations of topic models and the requirement of programming skills. In this workshop, we will address the specifics of using topic modeling in sociology, discuss mathematical limitations behind the method and introduce new TopicMiner and WebTopicMiner software. The proposed approach is designed to be inclusive of participants with no programming background bridging together communities from social and computer sciences.
The main workshop topics include:
- review of topic models;
- the stability problem of topic models;
- the problem of choosing the number of topics;
- regularization of topic models;
- comparison of topic solutions;
- topic modeling with TopicMiner and WebTopicMiner.
Sergei Koltcov
Associate professor
Deputy Head at Internet Studies Lab
Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg
This course introduces participants to the collection and analysis of socially-generated big data using the R statistical software. The main emphasis is on applying social network analysis and quantitative text analysis to web data (especially social media). Data will be collected using the vosonSML R package (currently it collects YouTube video comment data, Facebook fan page data, and Twitter data). The course includes basic social network analysis in R/igraph (graph visualisation, core node- and network-level metrics, network clustering, constructing two-mode networks) and basic text analysis (building a corpus, descriptive analysis, wordclouds). The course will appeal to social scientists who want to become more computationally literate, and those from technical disciplines (e.g. computer science, information science) who would like to learn how social scientists are analysing digital trace data from the web.
The target audience for this course is research students, academics and researchers with a fairly strong technical background. It is preferable that students have had some exposure to social network analysis and quantitative text analysis. Experience with R or other programming languages is also desirable, but the course includes a brief R and RStudio refresher. It will be assumed that participants already have a recent version of R and RStudio installed on their laptops.
Robert Ackland
Associate professor, School of Sociology at the Australian National University
Head at Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks Lab
Podium discussion “How access of researchers to privately collected data should be regulated?”
The starting point for this discussion is the recent scandal with Cambridge Analytica – a company that allegedly influenced the US presidential elections by manipulating Facebook users’ personal data. This data is said to have been leaked to Cambridge Analytica by Alexander Kogan, a researcher working at the core of the global academe – the university of Cambridge – and allegedly having ties with Russia. This breach has eventually resulted in closure of many Facebook data access opportunities for researchers worldwide. A panel of competent discussants, including representatives of both the academe and the data industry, will touch different aspects of the problem and possible solutions. The panelists will discuss whether it is possible to simultaneously protect individual privacy, provide enough data for public interest research, ensure opportunities for data related business and exclude opinion manipulation. Prior to the discussion, you can find more information on the scandal in the statements of Mark Zuckerberg, Alexander Kogan, Cambridge Analytica and the university of Cambridge.
Yanina Ledovaya
Senior lecturer in psychology, St.Petersburg University. Dr. Ledovaya has been recently working as a researcher and acting PI in the research project on prediction of psychological traits with Facebook data that has attracted international media attention amidst the Cambridge Analytica scandal as an alleged “link” of Alexander Kogan to Russia.
Vladimir Suvorov
Founder of SD Data Laboratory for Innovation Development; prior to that - Head of R&D team at EMC2 Skolkovo. SD Data is a data-based startup working in the field of artificial intelligence for virtual assistants and bioinformatics. Mr. Suvorov has a vast experience in working with big data, including sensitive data, as a senior executive both in a large corporation and in a small startup. He will talk about his vision of business risks and benefits of sharing data with researchers.
Jonathan Zhu
Chair Professor of Computational Social Science and Director of Center for Communication Research and Web Mining Lab at City university of Hong Kong. Professor Zhu is one of the signatories of the open letter entitled “Facebook shuts the gate after the horse has bolted, and hurts real research in the process”. This letter criticizes the new Facebook initiative to change researchers’ access its data from open APIs to an expert-review process for failure to provide sufficient support for transparent and independent scientific research.
Bettina Berendt
Professor at the Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven, Belgium. Prof. Berendt has led research that involved extracting data from Facebook with the purpose of helping users to better protect their privacy, and she has investigated the implications of personality tracking on privacy and societal fairness. Currently, she also studies links between AI and diversity and misinformation in news media. She will reflect on lessons learned for data access from these different but complementary perspectives.
You have to bring your poster printed out on A1 format. We will provide the equipment to hang up your poster.
Your poster should tell something about your current research and scientific interests. The main idea is for all summer school attendees to get to know each other both personally and in terms of scientific orientation.
Poster session will be held during two days. Posters should be formatted into A1 sheet (841×594 mm).
In general, posters combine textual and graphical representation of your work. The idea is to explain in easy-accessible way your results to the audience. During the poster session time you are expected to stay close to your poster to address questions and explain in a verbal way your ideas to other participants.
Organizing Committee
Programme Committee
Senior PC members
- Alexander Boukhanovsky ITMO University
- Daniel Alexandrov National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Olessia Koltsova National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Steffen Staab Institute for Web Science and Technologies
- Adam Jatowt Kyoto University
- Agnes Horvat Northwestern University
- Alex Hanna University of Toronto
- Alexander Porshnev HSE
- Alexander Panchenko University of Hamburg
- Alice Robbin Indiana University Bloomington
- André Grow Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Andreas Koch University of Salzburg
- Andreas Kaltenbrunner NTENT
- Andrew Crooks George Mason University
- Andrey Filchenkov ITMO University
- Arkaitz Zubiaga The University of Warwick
- Bruce Desmarais The Pennsylvania State University
- Carlos Nunes Silva Universidade de Lisboa
- Christophe Guéret Accenture
- Claudio Castellano SMC, INFM-CNR
- Colin Campbell Washington College
- Dani Villatoro IIIA-csic
- Daniela Paolotti ISI Foundation
- David Corney Signal Media
- David Laniado Eurecat - Technology centre of Catalonia
- Deok-Sun Lee Inha University
- Diego Fregolente Mendes de Oliveira Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research - Indiana University
- Dmitry Ustalov University of Mannheim
- Dominik Batorski University of Warsaw
- Elena Yagunova St. Petersburg State University
- Elisabeth Lex Graz University of Technology
- Emanuele Massaro
- F.A. Nielsen
- Fabio Celli University of Trento
- Floriana Gargiulo GEMASS - CNRS and University of Paris Sorbonne
- Frank Schweitzer ETH Zurich
- George Valkanas Detectica, Inc.
- Georgios Lappas Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Western Macedonia, Kastoria Campus, Greece
- Gerhard Fuchs University of Stuttgart
- Giancarlo Ruffo Universita' di Torino
- Gianluca Manzo CNRS
- Gianluca Demartini The University of Queensland
- Ginestra Bianconi Queen Mary University of London
- Giovanni Quattrone University College London
- Giovanni Petri ISI Foundation
- Gregor Petrič Faculty of Social Sciences, Uni of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Hang-Hyun Jo Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
- Hemant Purohit George Mason University
- Hisashi Miyamori Kyoto Sangyo University
- Igor Zakhlebin Northwestern University
- Ingmar Weber Qatar Computing Research Institute
- Jaimie Park Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Jana Diesner University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jason Nurse University of Oxford
- Jennifer Golbeck University of Maryland
- John Ternovski
- Jose Moreno IRIT/UPS
- Jose J. Ramasco IFISC (CSIC-UIB)
- Joss Wright University of Oxford
- Kazuhiro Kazama Wakayama University
- Kazutoshi Sasahara Nagoya University
- Keiichi Nakata University of Reading
- Kevin S. Xu University of Toledo
- Kim Holmberg University of Turku
- Klaus G. Troitzsch University of Koblenz-Landau
- Kwang-Il Goh Korea University
- Laura Alessandretti
- Leto Peel Universite catholique de Louvain
- Livio Bioglio University of Turin
- Luca Pappalardo Department of Computer Science (University of Pisa), KDDLab (ISTI-CNR)
- Luca Maria Aiello Nokia Bell Labs
- Lyle Ungar University of Pennsylvania
- Manlio De Domenico Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Marco Bastos City, University of London
- María Pereda Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Mario Paolucci Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
- Mark Jelasity University of Szeged
- Markus Strohmaier RWTH Aachen University & GESIS
- Matjaz Perc University of Maribor
- Matteo Magnani Uppsala University
- Matteo Gagliolo Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
- Matthias R. Brust University of Luxembourg
- Michael Schaub Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Michael Mäs ETH Zurich
- Michele Tizzoni ISI Foundation
- Michele Coscia Harvard University
- Mikhail Alexandrov Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Mikko Kivela University of Oxford
- Milena Tsvetkova University of Oxford
- Mirco Musolesi University College London
- Mirco Nanni KDD-Lab ISTI-CNR Pisa
- Mostafa Salehi University of Tehran
- Naoki Masuda University of Bristol
- Nicola Perra University of Greenwich
- Nina Cesare University of Washington
- Onur Varol Northeastern University
- Orion Penner École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
- Pablo Aragón Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Pablo Jensen ixxi
- Pål Sundsøy Telenor ASA
- Palakorn Achananuparp Singapore Management University
- Pavel Braslavski Ural Federal University
- Peter McMahan McGill University
- Priya Kumar Social Media Lab, Ryerson University
- Przemysław Kazienko
- Renaud Lambiotte University of Oxford
- Robert Ackland The Australian National University
- Rosario Nunzio Mantegna Palermo University
- Rossano Schifanella University of Turin
- Rosta Farzan University of Pittsburgh
- Salla-Maaria Laaksonen University of Helsinki
- Sang Hoon Lee Korea Institute for Advanced Study
- Sergei Koltsov LINIS HSE
- Shinsuke Nakajima Kyoto Sangyo University
- Sofia Dokuka National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Stasa Milojevic Indiana University Bloomington
- Stuart Anderson The University of Edinburgh
- Sune Lehmann Technical University of Denmark
- Svetlana Bodrunova St. Petersburg State University
- Symeon Papadopoulos Information Technologies Institute
- Tai-Quan Peng Michigan State University
- Thanassis Tiropanis University of Southampton
- Thomas Ågotnes University of Bergen
- Tim Evans Imperial College London
- Tsuyoshi Murata Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Ulrik Brandes ETH Zurich
- Vanessa Frias-Martinez University of Maryland
- Victor M Eguiluz IFISC (CSIC-UIB)
- Vladimir Barash Cornell University
- Walter Lamendola University of Denver
- Wenbo Wang Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University
- Xian Teng University of Pittsburgh
- Yanina Ledovaya St. Petersburg State University
- Yasuhito Asano Kyoto University
- Yelena Mejova Qatar Computing Research Institute
- Yu-Ru Lin University of Pittsburgh
- Yuheng Hu University of Illinois at Chicago
- Zoran Levnajic Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto
About HSE
Established in early 1990s by a team of reformist academics, Higher School of Economics (HSE) has now become the leading Russia’s university in the sphere of social sciences and humanities. It is also rapidly developing in mathematics and computer science. In 2017, it was ranked number 382 in QS global ranking and included into QS “Top 50 under 50” – a rating for young Universities. According to QS subject rankings, HSE University is among Top 100 in Economics & Econometrics, Top 150 in Accounting and Finance, Top 200 in Business and Management studies.
HSE St.Petersburg campus is particularly strong in computational social science and digital humanities. It offers an MA degree in big data analysis in business & society and a BA degree in sociology & social informatics. The campus has extensive experience in organizing middle-size international academic events, such as BRICS Global Business & Innovation Conference, Congress of Comparative Economics and Education & Global Cities.
Laboratory for Internet Studies (LINIS) at HSE focuses on interdisciplinary internet research with the extensive use of big data and computational methods. Established only five years ago, the lab boasts of multiple publications in top journals of the field, including Internet Research, Social Media and Society, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Information Science, Policy & Internet, American Behavioral Scientist and others. During these five years, LINIS has also hosted two international summer schools (Websci’17 and RUSSIR’15), organized two international conferences on social media and co-organized two more summer schools on network analysis.
Registration & Visa
Cut-off registration: July 24, 2018. This means that at least one paper author should register before July 24, 2018 for the paper to be published. You can register later (between July 24 and September 10, 2018) but without publication and with higher fee.
Early bird registration fees (before July 24, 2018):
Early bird registration fees |
Normal registration fee |
Student |
Regular |
Student / Regular |
in dollars |
in rubles |
in dollars |
in rubles |
in dollars |
in rubles |
for 4 days |
160 |
10080 |
300 |
18900 |
400 |
25200 |
for 3 days |
135 |
8505 |
250 |
15750 |
315 |
19845 |
for 2 days |
95 |
5985 |
190 |
11970 |
240 |
15120 |
for one day |
65 |
4095 |
120 |
7560 |
150 |
9450 |
Normal registration fee: $400 (between July 24 and September 10, 2018). No discounts or 1-day passes available at this stage.
All fees include the lunches and the welcome party, except the 1-day fee that includes the lunch only. Fees for social and cultural events will be announced later.
Papers eligible for student registration discount should have a student as the first author and be presented by this student in person at the conference. Applicants willing to be considered for student discount should choose “student paper” option during registration in EasyChair and submit a photocopy of any document confirming their student status (in English or in Russian) shortly after the paper submission via the conference E-mail. The notification of eligibility for student discount will be provided together with the notification of acceptance. Only applicants who have provided obviously invalid documents can be denied the discount. Papers whose authors have paid a reduced fee without providing any documents will be rejected.
Additionally, three best applicants from Russia will be given a 30% discount sponsored by HSE. This discount will be given to individuals holding Russian citizenship who are (a) full-time researchers or teachers at Russian universities or non-for-profit research organizations or (b) PhD students at Russian universities or research organizations. Applicants willing to be considered for this discount should choose “Russian paper” option during registration in EasyChair and submit a photocopy of any document confirming their citizenship and employment / PhD programme enrollment (in Russian) shortly after the paper submission via the conference E-mail. The notification of eligibility for this discount will be provided together with the notification of acceptance. Papers whose authors have paid a reduced fee without providing any documents will be rejected.
Payment Methods
By card onlineThis is the preferred method of payment. All online transactions are done in Russian Rubles (RUB, ₽) only.
The legislation of the Russian Federation and HSE University rules require that all online payments by both Russian and international participants should be made in the national currency – Russian Rubles (RUB, ₽). Registration fees in Russian Rubles have been signed off by members of Program Committee and calculated with the reference to the 3-month average U.S. Dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
All fees for the conference registration can be paid by card online clear of all bank charges. To complete your registration, please click.
By bank transfersAll fees for the conference registration can be paid by bank transfer clear of all transfer charges*. Please ensure that the bank transfer form contains the delegate’s full name and the Social Informatics 2018 as the title of the event. Grounds and procedure for bank transfers are described in the offer.
Transfer chargesWhen you make an international wire transfer you can choose who pays the transfer charges.
BEN, SHA, OUR are codes in a SWIFT instruction, at field "Details of Charges".
The OUR instruction means you pay all transfer charges. We receive all your payment. SHA (shared) means you only pay your bank's outgoing transfer charge. We receive your payment minus the correspondent (intermediary) bank charges. BEN (beneficiary) means you do not pay any charge. We receive your payment minus all transfer charges.
We require all international transfers to us to be made with the OUR instruction.
Beneficiary bank details for payments in USD- Address: Souyuza Pechatnikov 16, Saint-Petersburg, RU, 190121
- Beneficiary: HSE – Saint Petersburg
- Transit currency account (USD): 40503840155041000004
- TIN 7714030726
- CAT 783902001
- BIN 1027739630401
If you require arrangements for bank transfer payments or you have a questions about EURO please send us a request at socinfo2018@gmail.com
In order to enter Russia most foreign nationals require a Russian Federation visa. It can take time for a visa to be issued and so it is important that the application process is begun as early as possible, but not earlier than 3 months prior an expected date of the visit. Visas are issued by the Embassies or Consulates of the Russian Federation. To find your nearest Russian Embassy or Consulate, please visit russianembassy.net.
Not all foreign nationals will require a visa to enter Russia. Get familiar with the list of countries for which there is no visa requirement.
Please be aware that in such cases where there is no requirement for a visa to enter the country, there may nevertheless be restrictions on the duration of your stay. You are advised to contact your nearest Russian Embassy or Consulate in order to ascertain the exact requirements for your particular situation.
We will be able to provide visa support to those who provide all necessary documents by July 31, 2018
Below are the key steps involved in the visa process along with some important information relating to your stay in Russia:
Step 1: PassportMake sure that your Passport is valid for at least 6 months from the planned expiry date of the visa you intend to obtain.
If a letter of invitation is needed for the visa application, we can provide a scan of the invitation letter upon request. The visa invitation letter for most foreign nationals is issued by the Migration Service within 30 days after the application, so please make sure to take care about it in advance. The invitation letter for the EU-citizens (exept the UK and Ireland) are issued within 1 week after the application.
Letter of invitation can only cover the official dates of the conference ±1-2 days. Any travel requirements outside of the conference dates must be explained to the embassy in your visa application.
To get the invitation letter, please fiil the form. If there are any questions, feel free to write us: socinfo2018@gmail.com.
Please check at the Russian embassy if you are required to provide an original of the visa invitation letter. It is always better to ask the Russian consulate first whether they accept copies of invitations or only originals and to specify it when applying for an invitation to facilitate processing.
Apply for a Russian Visa at a nearest Russian Embassy or Consulate (find your nearest embassy or consulate on the website). You are supposed to apply for Humanitarian visa, a type "Research-Scienfitic Visa" unless other is mentioned by the Organizing Committee.
If you live in a country other than your country of origin, please note that (subject to your home country) you might be not allowed to apply for the visa in the country of your residence, or additional application requirements may apply (e.g. you might be asked to provide notary translation of your residence permit in the country of application). Please check with the Russian Embassy in the country of application.
Venue and Accommodation
Getting to St. Petersburg
by trainSt. Petersburg is the final destination of a web of intercity and suburban railways served by five different railway terminals (Baltiysky, Finlyandsky, Ladozhsky, Moskovsky, and Vitebsky). Each terminal is connected with a metro station. See train timetables.
by planeSt. Petersburg is served by the Pulkovo International Airport. From the Pulkovo Airport terminal the city bus 13 goes to the "Moskovskaya" metro station. The bus goes every 15-20 minutes from 5.40 a.m. till 0.30 a.m The trip takes 20-25 minutes. The price is about 35₽. The shuttle buses K-3, K-113, K-213 also go from the Pulkovo 2 terminal to the "Moskovskaya" metro station. The price is 45₽.
We recommend you NOT to accept the offers from taxi drivers in the arrival hall or outside the airport. These taxi are safe but unreasonably expensive. You can order a taxi from the following services that are on average twice as cheap as the above. Народное такси (Narodnoe Taxi): +7 (812) 401-11-11. Taxovichkoff: +7 (812) 333-00-00.
Workshop Venue
All workshops will be held at 123 Kanal Griboyedova Emb, St. Petersburg. This is a newly restored building in the heart of St.Petersburg, right in front of magnificent St. Nicolas Cathedral that stands at the confluence of two beautiful channels.
To get there, take metro to the Sadovaya (Садовая) or Spasskaya (Спасская) or Sennaya Ploshchad (Сенная площадь) Stations. Then ride a bus (49, 50 or 181), share taxi (7, 195, 212) or walk along Sadovaya St. till the bridge for 10-15 minutes. Cross the bridge and turn right.
Main Conference Venue
Conference will take place in the northern building of HSE – St.Petersburg at 3 Kantemirovskaya street. This is a newly restored building with all necessary facilities, such as quick wi-fi and large well-equipped conference halls. The building is situated in only three metro stops from the city center. To get there, view transportation information.
- To get there, take metro to the Lesnaya (Лесная) Station. Walk along Kantemirovskaya St. towards the Neva river for 15-20 minutes; the building will be on your left.
- You can also take trolleybus number 31. Walk along Kantemirovskaya St. towards the Neva river for a couple of minutes until you cross Lesnoy Prospect (a very large one). Find the trolleybus stop on the right side of Kantemirovskaya. Buy a ticket when you get in. Get off on the second stop and cross Kantemirovskaya to reach the venue.
- Alternatively, catch share taxi (маршрутка) No 10 or 131. To do this, turn towards Neva river and make sure you are on the right (right = not left) side of Kantemirovskaya St. Raise your hand when you see a mini-bus with the respective number. Pay the driver when you get in. To exit, tell the driver the two magic words “KANTEMIROVSKAYA TRI” (Кантемировская три). You can say this while paying, thus showing you don’t know where it is. He will stop and signal you to get off when you reach the venue. Russian speakers can also explain that this is right before the bridge.
- When you reach the building, go around if from the left and into the yard. Please, note that what is considered the ground floor in the UK or USA, is the 1st floor in Russia. So the 4th floor (your target) will be there where you would expect the 3rd floor to be. Remember it esp. when you use the elevator and the wall signs.
We do not provide an accommodation. You can choose yourself one of the following hotels near 3 Kantemirovskaya st.:
- "Viborgskaya" HotelHotel"
- Chernaya Rechka"Hotel "Guyot"
- Hotel "Orbita"
- Hostel "City 812"
- Hotel "Andersen"
- Euro Hostel
- Hotel "Popov"
- Hostel "Eurasia"
- Mini-hotels group «Atmosphera»
- Mini-hotel "Petropavlovskiy"
- Hotel "Empire Park"
- Hotel "Marmara"
- Hotel "Baltiya"
- Lancaster Court Hotel
- Petrogradskiy Grand
Septeber 21 Conference proceedings at Springer website
Dear colleagues,
The proceedings are now available online:
The free access is granted until end of October 2018 via the official SocInfo conference website.
Septeber 3 Podium discussion
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce podium discussion “How access of researchers to privately collected data should be regulated?”
You can find more here.
June 5 SocInfo received a grant from RFBR
We are happy to announce our partnership with Russian Foundation for Basic Research! RFBR supported SocInfo with a grant, which will be used to create better conference for computational social scientists.
July 11 Accepted papers
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce the list of works accepted to SocInfo 2018.
You can find it here.
June 5 SocInfo received a grant from RFBR
We are happy to announce our partnership with Russian Foundation for Basic Research! RFBR supported SocInfo with a grant, which will be used to create better conference for computational social scientists.
May 9 SocInfo deadline extended
Social Informatics paper submission deadline has been extended to May 20 24:00 Hawaii time. Since this is likely to shift notification of acceptance deadline, applicants are required to submit abstracts by May 13, so that paper bidding could start right after that and the notification delay could be minimized. Note that camera ready deadline will NOT be extended.
April 20 Workshops announcement
SocInfo organizing committee is happy to announce two workshops to be held on Tuesday, September 25, 2018:
Analysis of Multiplex Social Networks with R by Matteo Magnani, InfoLab, Uppsala University and Luca Rossi, Data Science & Society Lab, IT University of Copenhagen.
Topic Modeling in Practice. Rules of Thumb for Mining Topics with TopicMiner Software. Sergei Koltcov, Laboratory for Internet Studies, Higher School of Economics.
March 24 Springer sponsor €1000 for the Best Paper Award
As a token of appreciation of the longstanding, successful cooperation Springer sponsor SocInfo 2018 by providing an amount of €1,000 (one thousand euros) as a Best Paper Award!